I work full-time on creating content for you on YouTube, which includes interactive livestream presentations, videos, YouTube shorts and community posts. I also create exclusive behind-the-scenes content on Patreon and have weekly livestreams for YouTube members: I hope to see you there!

At Grizzly True Crime we love timelines, deep dives, documents, maps, and all with a bit of snark (where appropriate). I cover cases from all over the world, but predominantly focus on cases in the USA because of the amount of information I can get my hands on (documents, mug shots, police interviews, body worn camera videos, etc). Sometimes FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests can be costly, so your support helps me to continue to source these for us and offer my appreciate to those who help me to do so!

Note: I intentionally deactivate mid-roll ads on my YouTube videos/livestreams because I want to maximize your viewing experience and do not participate in brand deals/sponsorship contracts. I know many of you appreciate that and you show that in a variety of ways, thank you! If you’d like to know how to do this, here are some ideas for you:

Just watching my videos is a great source of support! Like, share, and comment to let YouTube know they should show my videos to more people! We are a community known as ‘The Grizzlies’ and all you need to do to become a part of it is to subscribe, which is 100% free!

Become an official Grizzly True Crime member, which means that you get: a loyalty badge next to your name (your name is also highlighted in all livestreams and comments), access to exclusive members-only livestreams (where we discuss many cases, you can ask me any questions, and I offer you some behind-the-scenes updates/stories). You also get access to special emojis to use in livestream chats and the comments section, which I design for you and update regularly. Just click the $ sign at the bottom right of the chat box during a livestream, or click here to become a member right now: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY04IfK5QlS8nWDU22bEXig/join

Please note: Patreon membership is totally different and a better source of support because YouTube takes a 50% cut of your membership pledge.

Patreon is one of the best sources of support for the work that I do. In return, you get access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content (photos/videos/mini podcast episodes), reliable notifications for upcoming YouTube livestreams, YouTube members replays, and some documents/trial completion certificates. The $20 and $55 tier patrons receive loyalty merch every 3 months (Patreon controls this) e.g. a sticker, a mug, a t-shirt, or hoodie.

You can sign up for FREE if you just want notifications, and see if you’d like to join us

This is the most direct source of support and I appreciate it more than you know! Please select “for family/friends” when you send me a PayPal (this is the correct way to send a gift vs paying for a product/service). I do not have a P.O. Box, so this is the best way to send a gift! Some Grizzlies like to spoil our cats (Fury, Willow and Pepper) with PayPals too! Thank you!

Coffee, as you might guess, is an essential part of my daily life and I enjoy every single cup! I love cappucinos, iced coffee, double espressos, and anything coffee-flavored! By buying me a coffee, you are not only supporting the work that I do, but you are also mentally energizing me for another big day ahead! I usually make coffee at home, but also love a coffee in a cafe’ in Switzerland!

What About our Moderators? Yes! You Can Help Fill Their Coffee Cups Too!

Moderators help to keep our community a kind and respectful place for chatters during premieres and livestreams, as well as in the comments section below each video. Those with a blue wrench next to their name are moderators on the channel and are able to delete, time out, and hide comments that are not according to what we stand for. We invite open conversation, but do not tolerate victim blaming, targeting/bullying families of victims of crime/missing persons, or attacking me or anyone in my community. There are often families watching my coverage of cases, so please be kind and welcoming to them as they work through their grief and trauma in searching for or losing a loved one.

Our mod managers, Tracy and Kathleen, carefully monitor the chat and will let me know if we need any additional volunteer moderators. If so, we will reach out to you. We have a fantastic team, including: Stefan Gribi, Erin O., Copperhorse & Pernille.

We also have temp mods, like Grizzly Cat, who help us during extremely busy livestreams! Our record day so far was 27 000 livestream chatters, which was during the Idaho Four case (Bryan Kohberger arrest press conference).